
Our classes are for every level, and each class is capped at 12 people so everyone can get the individual attention they need. Members can sign up for classes through our online scheduling system.



CrossFit workouts are comprised of constantly varied functional movements (like pushing, pulling, squatting, lifting, running) executed at high intensity. The workouts themselves are completely scalable, which means that a new participant and a CrossFit veteran can complete the same workout with changes in load and intensity. CrossFit incorporates the principals and practices of Strongman, Olympic Lifting and Gymnastics.



Strongman training helps to builds true functional strength. The focus of Strongman is to lift heavy and awkward objects from one point to another. This can be through lifting the object vertically from the ground or by moving it from one point to another across the room.


Olympic Weightlifting is a power based sport which features the use of two types lifts – The “snatch” and the “clean & jerk” It requires the athlete to lift a loaded barbell from the floor to an overhead position in a single movement. Olympic lifting and its variations can build strength and enhance overall athletic performance.


Gymnastics consists of body weight exercises that develop strength, coordination, balance and agility. Practice of gymnastics can help improve kinesthetic awareness beneficial to other sports.